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Case Study

St. Peter’s College

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Duct Dudes

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  • The faculty and students of St. Peter’s College requested our air duct cleaning service after they became more fully aware of the importance of indoor air quality. For buildings with a lot of daily traffic, such as schools and colleges, cleaning and maintaining the ductwork is essential.
  • We knew it was important to complete our cleaning without interrupting the start of the upcoming school semester. So Duct Dudes provided service day and night, seven days a week. A full-source removal cleaning was provided for all ductwork. When we were finished, air quality testing was administered and confirmed what we already knew: Our work significantly improved this important indoor space.
  • At Duct Dudes, we have a real soft spot for educators and their students and believe they should have the healthiest and safest learning environments possible. We are grateful that we were given this challenging and rewarding opportunity to do our part to help improve the indoor air quality of this great institution.