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Residential Air Duct Cleaning

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Your heating and cooling systems are the lungs of your home. They take in air and breathe it out. When you consider that up to 40 pounds of dust can build up yearly in 1,000 square feet of residential space, you can imagine the amount of garbage that flows through your HVAC system and back into your home. It includes numerous contaminants and air pollutants, such as dander, dust and chemicals. They get pulled into your HVAC system and recirculated about five to seven times each day. Over time, this junk builds up in your ductwork. Yuck!


Dirty ducts can contribute to health problems, causing or aggravating symptoms for family members with respiratory conditions, autoimmune disorders, environmental allergies and more.


When you partner with Duct Dudes, our residential air duct cleaning will eliminate the dust, debris, pet dander and contaminants to improve your indoor air quality, your health and your safety!

Our Techs Are Certifiably at the Top of Their Game!

It doesn’t get any better than the National Air Duct Cleaners Association, which has helped keep the air duct cleaning industry honorable for the past three decades by demanding the highest standards. It was NADCA that decided at its very first meeting in 1989 to identify source removal as the only acceptable method of cleaning ductwork. Before that, many unorthodox techniques were used, including “gluing” dust, dirt and other debris to the surface of air ducts.


Some companies promote their NADCA certification even though only one employee has gone through the training. That’s not how we do things at Duct Dudes. When you partner with us in Middlesex County, NJ, Monmouth County, NJ, New Haven, CT, and NYC, we promise a NADCA-certified technician on every job! Plus, we’ve invested in the best equipment and highest work standards. That’s why we can guarantee you the most thorough air duct cleaning experience available.


Discover just how we do it—step by step

Our Equipment Will Completely Blow Your Mind (and Your Air Ducts)!

Our equipment is so powerful that it will blow you away! We’ve got these amazing trucks with HEPA-filtered vacuums mounted on them. But that’s not the best part. The best part is these babies can generate 16,000 CFM of negative pressure—the most powerful suction available in our industry. They’re powerful enough to handle the largest commercial job. However, our team has the expertise to finesse this equipment to handle even the smallest residential air duct cleaning chore.


We treat our vehicles with TLC. We make sure to maximize their efficiency and safety with frequent and early routine maintenance. We impress upon our drivers the importance of obeying traffic rules and serving as Duct Dudes ambassadors as they move from job site to job site. We’re proud of our eye-catching vehicles because they ooze professionalism. We make sure they’re sparkling clean—inside and out—to reflect our high standards.


We are one of the few companies in the area that use the highest-quality equipment. We partner our vacuum with more than 200 PSI of compressed air for the most thorough source removal cleanings in the industry. Our growing fleet can clean as much as 15,000 square feet of ductwork every day.

More Crazy Mad Power

Batman & Robin. Peanut Butter & Jelly. Thelma & Louise. Good things come in pairs. That’s why we pair our vacuum suction equipment with a kick-butt partner: a compressor with more than 200 PSI of compressed air that powers agitation devices. Our directional and whipping attachments track down any lingering debris, dust, pet hair, etc. The gunk is guided toward the suction and gathered in the collection system on our truck.


Our extra muscle includes:

  • Quincy 340 Air Compressors
  • Quincy 325 Air Compressors
Residential Duct Cleaning

An Added Layer of Protection

We use EnviroCon to deodorize your ductwork and improve your air quality. This mild, safe deodorizer is registered with the EPA and is completely safe for everyone, including children and pets. You don’t need to evacuate your home when it is being applied. However, if you or anyone in your home has a chemical sensitivity, we advise you not to use EnviroCon. Its primary mission is to remove odors caused by mold, mildew and bacteria. It’s unscented and doesn’t use perfumes to mask or hide odors. Instead, it oxidizes and eliminates the cause of the odor. It takes about an hour or two to dry and leaves behind little residue, which is harmless.

We Offer Thorough Duct Inspections

Ducts Dudes offers complete air duct inspections—even if you don’t get your ducts cleaned. When we’re done, we’ll provide you with: 1) a written report detailing your systems’ cleanliness and 2) specific recommendations for any cleaning services that are needed. Our residential HVAC inspection usually takes 30 to 45 minutes for each system. The cost is $105 per residential system with a $50 additional charge if our technician must enter a crawl space and/or attic to perform the inspection. Travel fees may also apply. However, you are eligible for $50 off a full duct cleaning if it is performed within 30 days of the inspection.


As a part of our HVAC inspection service, we also inspect furnace blowers and blower compartments, A/C evaporator coils and HVAC system filters. You will have the opportunity to see everything we inspect, allowing for full transparency and total peace of mind.

Don’t Fall for Low-Price Gimmicks

If an air duct cleaningcompany’s price sounds too good to be true, it is. When a company promises a full-house residential air duct cleaning for $199—or even $99—you should proceed with caution. Or, even better, you should just walk away. Offers like these are back-loaded with hidden charges. Once the company is inside your home performing the work, the price will skyrocket.


When you partner with Duct Dudes, the quote we give you for your home in Middlesex County, Monmouth County, NJ, New Haven, CT, and NYC, is the price you’ll pay. No gimmicks. No hidden fees. No tomfoolery. We never offer price gimmicks because we can’t afford them. We’ve invested in the very best equipment and the finest technicians to ensure your air ducts are thoroughly cleaned—every time. We can’t afford to pretend to give our services away and then play games with you.


We follow pricing guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Air Duct Cleaners Association. Our minimum charge for residential air duct cleaning is $350, although it can vary based on the scope of the project. According to the EPA, “(Duct cleaning) services typically—but not always—range in cost from $450 to $1,000 per heating and cooling system, depending upon the services offered, the size of the system to be cleaned, system accessibility, climactic region and level of contamination.”


Make no mistake about it: You get what you pay for when it comes to residential air duct cleaning. Don’t trust your home’s air quality to suspicious companies offering deals that are too good to be true. Duct Dudes is not in competition with these companies because the service and craftsmanship we provide is superior—at every level.

Schedule Your Game-Changing Residential Air Duct Cleaning Today!

Duct Dudes is ready, willing and more than capable of cleaning every speck of your air ducts in Middlesex County, Monmouth County, NJ, New Haven, CT, and NYC, for a cleaner, healthier indoor environment. We have the training, equipment and strategies to tackle even the thorniest residential air duct cleaning job. We also superior commercial duct cleaning. Learn more about us or schedule your air duct cleaning by calling 732.899.0400 or filling out our contact form.

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