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Maritime Air Duct Cleaning

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Duct Dudes

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We take extreme pride in our service on the high seas, cleaning the air ducts of U.S. military ships and other sea-going vessels. We’re uniquely qualified, trained and equipped to handle duct cleaning for tugboats, ships and other watercraft.

It’s All Hands on Ducts

Through a trusted partner, we’ve developed a strong relationship with the U.S. Navy. We find it both challenging and rewarding to answer this call of duty: climbing aboard military vessels for duct cleaning. There’s nothing quite so satisfying as knowing we’re doing our part to keep the shipboard environment for our men and women in uniform as healthy and germ-free as possible.


Thank you for your service. It’s an honor to serve you!


You don’t need to be on military assignment to take advantage of our maritime air duct cleaning services. We’re more than happy to sail on over to your watercraft to blow away the dust, dirt, grime and gunk that’s been collecting in your air ducts. Our technicians have received the most advanced training in the industry and our equipment is the best in the business. Get on board with Duct Dudes. You’ll be glad you did.

Maritime Air Duct Cleaning

Say Bon Voyage to Those Dirty Ducts

We’re the maritime air duct cleaning specialists that will throw you the life line you need. Call us at 732.899.0400 or fill out our contact form to learn more or schedule an appointment.

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