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August 27, 2021

3 Signs Industrial Air Ducts Need to be Cleaned


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industrial air duct cleaning NJ

An industrial HVAC system operates much the same way as a residential or commercial system but on a much larger scale. They provide the same cooling, heating, and ventilation but with some differences. Regardless of the size, all HVAC units need to be cleaned and maintained regularly by trained professionals.

Since industrial units are much larger and more complex, they utilize different components. They often use either radiant heaters or hot air furnaces as heating elements. Infrared radiation provides direct heat in radiation heaters. Fuel is burned to create heat in hot air furnaces. A heat pump may also be used to draw out heat from water or air supplies to warm buildings. An industrial HVAC system may also include a chiller to cool the water that flows through the cooling coils.

Another major difference is that industrial HVAC units are usually installed outside the building, sometimes on the ground or up on the roof to prevent excessive noise from the unit. They force heated or cooled air into the building through ductwork. Because of their placement, they are often hard to access. Even with these differences, industrial HVAC systems still require the same cleaning and maintenance that other units require.

Like commercial and residential systems, there are things to watch for that indicate that air duct cleaning is needed including:

1. The Unit is Less Efficient

It is either failing to heat or cool a room completely or the air flow from the vents is diminished. These can be indications that the air ducts are obstructed with dust or other debris.

2. There is an Increased Rate of Employee Absences Due to Illness

Dust being blown out from the vents into the workspace can cause headaches and aggravate allergies. The growth of mold inside the ducts can also produce allergens and cause sickness. Additionally, if humidity is increasing because of decreased air flow, it can create a favorable environment for airborne viruses and illnesses. Not only will they cling to the dust and moisture particles in the air, they will reproduce more rapidly and continue to be circulated throughout the facility rather than being blown out through clear vents.

3. There Are No Records of Recent Duct Cleanings or Air Filter Changes

Commercial HVAC units require maintenance every three to five years depending on the type of business, but industrial units require more frequent checkups due to heavier workloads and larger volumes of air that pass through the systems. Maintenance and cleaning should be scheduled immediately and a regular plan for continued upkeep should be established and implemented.

Keeping air ducts clean provides many benefits. It reduces the exposure to contaminants for workers and any products being manufactured in the facility, worker health issues, compensation claims, and health insurance costs are lowered, and energy efficiency saves money. To learn more about Duct Dudes or to schedule a commercial air duct cleaning, call us at 866-383-3911 or fill out our contact form.