March 12, 2015

Grimy Places To Make Sure You Take Care Of During This Year’s Spring Cleaning


spring cleaningSpring is upon us, which means many of us will be “spring cleaning.” The ugly truth is that are a ton of dirty places around the house that you don’t always think to clean. At Duct Dudes, we’ve compiled a list of grimy places to make sure you take care of when you’re giving your house a scrub-down. If you hit all of these spots, you’re sure to leave your house sparkling! 

Tops of Doors & Windows

Door and window frames often accumulate a lot of dust and dirt. Regularly wiping them down with a microfiber or feather duster will help to cut down on the dust buildup. A routine clean with a soft cloth and plain water, either monthly or quarterly, will help to keep those surfaces shining!

Inside Heating Registers

The majority of homes have heat registers in the floors or along the baseboards, which collect dust, hair, and dirt. When the heat is on, that dust, hair, and dirt circulates through the house. Regularly cleaning the heat registers in your home can help cut down on airborne irritants.

Telephones & Cell Phones

It may never have crossed your mind, but phones are breeding grounds for bacteria. Unfortunately, you can’t just clean them with common household cleansers without risking serious damage to these electronics. Cotton swabs and microfiber cleaning clothes moistened with a mild vinegar and water solution can eliminate bacteria and cut through the grime.

dryer vent cleaning in NJDryer Vent

The dryer vents in your home are prone to lint build-up, which keeps your dryer from working effectively and could ultimately lead to a costly fire. In fact, over 15,000 dryer-related fires take place each year! To reduce your home’s risk of costly fires and dryer downtime, call the experts at Duct Dudes!

At Duct Dudes, we provide a cost-effective way to protect the health and safety of your family and pets. We’ll remove lint, birds’ nests, small articles of clothing, and more from the dryer vents in your home. Routine dryer vent cleaning can help to lower energy bills, improve your dryer’s performance, and increase your dryer’s lifespan; it keeps the dryer system in your home functioning properly.

To schedule your dryer vent cleaning appointment, contact us at (866) DUDE-911.